
Thursday, 11 November 2010


Lies Lies by Michael Grant (Egmont Press)
PB RRP $19.95
ISBN 9781405254304
Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

With an author tour currently under way in Australia, Lies the third in the extraordinary Gone series of six books, continues the saga of the FAYZ (Fallout Alley Youth Zone) at Peribo Bay, where the sudden, inexplicable disappearance of all adults from the area, has left their children imprisoned behind an impenetrable wall forcing them to find any method possible to survive. This series comes with a warning that the books ‘contain scenes of cruelty and some violence’.

The lack of food has created a desperate situation. Kids are dying and cannibalism is at times the only food source. Almost all the cats, dogs and rats have been eaten. Although Quinn and his group fish daily in the distant sea and Hunter hunts for food continuously, it is never nearly enough to feed all the starving children. Mary continues to care for the little ones as best as possible under the circumstances, ignoring the fact that her anti-depressant dependency combined with her dangerous war with food has left her in a state of near-collapse.

Everyone walks around with weapons and brutality reigns. A virus is racing through the Bay and the medical supplies are almost depleted. Lana the Healer has become a recluse and has lost control of her thought process as the gaiphage is controlling her for its own evil end.

Zil, the leader of the normals, is determined to kill off all the freaks, which are mutating at an incredible rate. Their abilities and abnormalities increase daily and fighting amongst the inhabitants keeps everyone on edge.

Things have taken a disastrous turn.  Drake with his monstrous snake hand, was believed dead, but is now alive again, as is Brittany. It’s good against evil now more than ever. More horrors await Sam who is determined to end it one way or another with Drake. Sam’s half-brother Caine has also declared war against him with unrelenting, brutal and callous dedication.

Lies expands with new characters to excite the reader. Across the bay, unbeknown to them all, a couple has left behind their five adopted children in the family mansion. The five are determined to escape the island in a helicopter. Here unlimited possibilities are released to feed the reader’s imagination as new issues enter the game. For the first time we also learn about the other side of the Wall and what the parents are thinking.

This series won’t allow the reader to stop reading until the last word. It is confronting at times because of the brutality executed by the young characters, but all scenes are justified and believable. The next book will be available in April.

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