
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Lily's Wish

Lily's Wish by Barbara Pyett and Serena Geddes (New Frontier Publishing)
PB RRP $9.95
ISBN 978192104289
Reviewed by Vicki Stanton

Lily writes to Santa with just one wish: wings to fly. She has a gift that needs to be delivered to the other side of the world. Santa ponders the request. On Christmas Eve, he drops by Lily's house and takes her on a sleigh ride across the world  and Lily delivers a kiss to her grandmother in London. Lily wakes the next morning and wonders if it's all a dream until Grandma rings to tell Lily she has company-Lily's toy rabbit.

Lily's Wish explores the meaning of Christmas without being didactic or ignoring the excitement Santa brings to children. Gorgeous water colour illustrations bring the minimal text to life and extends it. Throughout the story there is no mention of the rabbit though it appears as Lily's constant companion in the illustrations. The illustration of Lily blowing the kiss is perfect. 

Lily's Wish is a book that will certainly feature under many Christmas trees.

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