Royce Bond’s new sci fi/fantasy novel The Princess and the Pirate is a swashbuckling adventure of a Pirate, a Princess and their followers as they fight to save the universe from evil forces. It is the first book in a series called The Knights of Katesch. The books are the chronicles of The Knights of Katesch who, for time out of memory, have fought the wizard Maligor across all the dimensions of the known universe.
After the death of her mother Hibana, one of the famed Knights of Katesch, at the hands of a Kladath assassin, Princess Hepzebah faces the fight of her life. As the new queen, she has inherited her mother's powers. The space pirate Captain Sergio runs the blockade to bring an unearthly army to fight the last battle against Maligor's hordes. He has plans for this young queen, but his plans are hijacked and they are thrust into an inter-dimensional battle for the future of the known universe.
Welcome Royce and thanks for popping by Buzz Words Books.

Did you submit your manuscript to many publishers before you had an offer to publish?
I had submitted The Chronicles of the Knights of Katesch to nine publishers and each said no. Then I gave up submitting and kept writing and editing to improve the story. I write not to be published, but just for the pure enjoyment of writing. I absolutely love slipping into my world when I write. Publishing is the icing on the cake, because now others can enjoy my world as well.
How did you become a writer?
I used to watch a television series called The A Team. In 1985 I decided I’d like to write a series of television scripts called The Beetlejuice Pirates. They would be a bumbling space version of The A Team. I actually finished my first episode, but then lost it when we moved from Brisbane to Rockhampton.
I still wanted to write but changed from a television script to a short story. I called it The Time Warriors. I finished it and then went on to writing weird stories about the time I spend working on market gardens in the bush.
Did you have to do much research for this book?
I am a medieval re-enactor and often train with swords, axes, and bows. I have researched this craft and the era when it was practised. I consider my whole life to be the research. I have day dreamed most of my life, as well as immersing myself in fantasy/sci fi movies and television series.
Can you tell me about the main character and what you like/dislike about her?
My main character is Hepzebah. I find her a complex character, as well as an exciting one. She is quite an emotional person, because of the experiences she went through as a young child and teenager, but has chosen to lock this emotion away behind a wall in her mind.
I like her strength of character. And how she allows the most unlikely of characters (Sergio) to come into her life and affect her in such a way that she commits her life to him – even though at times she threatens to kill him. Of course, she would never do this. Although she does often have outbursts of emotion directed at him, for example when she single handedly destroys his castle. She is ferociously loyal to those she loves and is very independent.
Is there something that sets this book apart from others?
Yes. This book can be read on a number of different levels, depending on the age and experience of the reader. I know of ten year olds who have loved it and the oldest reader I know of is 85 years old.
Other adults have commented on how complex the characters and plot are, while younger readers revel in the fast paced action. The reader gets out of the story what they are looking for. It caters for a huge variety of interests. It’s a huge amount of fun to read and you can quickly get into this world and not want to come out of it. Even though I have written this book, I still love reading it whenever I get a chance.
Do you have any tips for writers about the writing process or the path to publishing?
a) Create a world you want to live in.
b) Create characters you want to be.
c) Create adventures/action you would like to be involved in.
d) Let your writing goal be enjoyment, not publishing, because when you enjoy the experience of writing, then your readers will enjoy what you have written.
e) Edit, edit, edit.
f) Writing is an apprenticeship. Very few people are so gifted as to pick up a pen and become instant stars.
g) Surround yourself with books, movies, and television series in the genre you wish to write in.
h) There is nothing new under the sun, so take ideas from what others have written, and change it to make it your own.
i) When you get rejected, don’t give up. Keep writing.
j) Enjoy your writing.
The Princess and the Pirate is available from your local bookstore.
Signed copies are available from the MPA website.
Follow the blog tour get some great writing tips, read reviews, and learn more fascinating information about Royce Bond. Comment on this post and go in the draw for a free signed copy.
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