
Sunday 15 December 2013

Amazing Monty

Amazing Monty by Johanna Hurwitz, illustrated by Anik McGrory (Walker Books)
PB RRP $12.95
ISBN 9780763665616
Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

Monty is a first grader but an excellent reader. He reads everything from posters to signs. It’s this ability that allows him to read the notice saying a new home is wanted for two parakeets in a cage. But things take a surprising turn and the birds become the class pets.

Great changes are taking place in Monty’s life and he’s concerned about several things. He is the last in his grade to lose a tooth, and he’s going to be a big brother. Will the baby have asthma like he has? Will he have to share his parents with his sibling? And where will his grandparents sleep now when they visit?

This is an interesting series of First Grade Adventures which address themes that concern the very young. This is the third book and the fourth, Magical Monty, is due soon.

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