
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Blog Tour: Kevin Burgemeestre and Kate

Buzz Words chats to Kevin Burgemeestre about his debut YA book Kate (Morris Publishing Australia). Kevin is no stranger to readers with over 60 published books that contain his illustrations. Kate contains five illustrations which were exhibited at the Stonnington Literature Alive exhibition earlier in 2013. He has recently turned his hand to writing. Kate was completed as part of a Copyright Agency residency at the University of New England in 2012. It is a story of growth and mistakes, danger and excitement, loss and discovery.

Comment on this post to be in the draw to win a copy of Kate.

1. Welcome Kevin. Please describe your new novel in five words or less.

Teenage mistakes not the end!

2. How did the ideas for your book come to you?

I am shocked how quickly we are willing to write young people off. Young people are meant to make mistakes. I made a ton of them.

I was aware that teenagers in our circle from happy families were making unexpected decisions. They were going off the map. They were getting into creepy stuff. I wondered if our teenage judgement is a little impaired. I also reflected on the importance of friendships in those years. I got Kate to collide into someone she may not even have given a second glance. Mum and Dad, who survived a war, told me that when the duck fat hits the fan it was often the people they least expected that stood up and did the right thing.

3. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I remembered what good companions our dogs were when I was going through my lumpy and bumpy teenage years. On a really bad day, ten minutes with one of our dogs would totally bring me out of myself. If you want a dog get a mutt from the pound, its got a harpoon pointed at its head. Full breed dogs will always find a home.

Be the friend to your friends. Be to them what you are looking for in a mate. Forgive a true mate even if they've hurt you. Find adventure, and I don't mean crazy danger, but try some things that take you a little out of your comfort zone. You will be surprised what you are capable of.

4. Why did you choose to write in this genre?

As an adult, I often reflect on my formative years. I was so lucky, and yet I saw what was happening to children from my neighbourhood, what they were going through. Not all of them survived, yet they were people just like me. How does that happen?

I also like teenagers, I have respect for the challenges they face. I like to listen to their stories and hear their opinions. I'm not sure adults often ask them what they think. I feel blessed that I came from simpler times, we had less, but the pressures were far less.

As part of the blog tour, we will give away a copy of Kate. To be in the draw, simply comment on the post and send an email of your comment to with the subject "Kate competition". Competition closes midnight EDST 17 December.

Kate by Kevin Burgemeestre  (Morris Publishing Australia)
PB RRP $22 (eBook coming soon)
ISBN 978-0-9875434-4-8

Kate is struggling to deal with her best friend leaving, a school bully and with the death of her mother. She believes that life is hard. Then a chance encounter with a battered, heroic hound she rescues from the streets, and Mal, a troubled young man with a dark past, leads Kate into more danger and excitement than she could have wished for.

She wonders about her unusual friendship with this damaged young man, but when things go really wrong, they’ll need each other ... and they’ll have to run!

To see more of Kevin's blog tour go to:

Tuesday 3rd Dec - 10  writing tips

Wednesday 4th Dec - Interview

Thursday 5th Dec - Interview

Friday 6th - article

Saturday 7th Interview

Sunday 8th Dec

Monday 9th Interview

Monday 9th Interview

Tuesday 10th Review

Wednesday 11th Review

Thursday 12th Interview

Friday 13th Interview

Saturday 14th Article

Sunday 15th Dec Interview

Monday 16th Dec Interview

Tuesday 17th Dec Interview

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