
Thursday 4 September 2014

B is for Bedtime

B is for Bedtime written by Margaret Hamilton, illustrated by Anna Pignataro (Little Hare)
ISBN 978 1 921894 34 3
HB RRP $24.95 
Reviewed by Nean McKenzie

B is for Bedtime gently works its way through the alphabet, describing the gradual process that is a child going to sleep. Using the 'A' for awake, the alphabet goes through things a child would notice, like 'F' for fingers, 'M' for moon and 'I' for insect until it reaches the last one: Zzzzzz! Each pair of letters has a rhyme, and this flows particularly well, for example,' L is for Lullaby … dum di-di dum' (rhyming with Mum).

The very cute illustrations show a rosy cheeked child which could be a girl or boy (this could widen the appeal to readers). Pictures have the appearance of home-made collage, with lots of different patterns such as polka dots and stripes in soft colours. The small brown and white spotted dog on almost every page is a great addition, providing humour.

The alphabet is a nice structure to hang a bedtime rhyme on, giving a sense of movement through to the end — that is sleep! Moving towards the letter 'x', never an easy one to rhyme with, I was pleased to read 'X for relaX now I'm facing the wall.' It's nice to be surprised by an unexpected bit of text.

This lovely book could become a favourite for little ones going to bed. Adults will also appreciate the way the rhymes read so well out loud. 

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