
Friday 14 November 2014

The Last Thirteen Book 9: 5

The Last Thirteen Book 9: 5 by James Phelan (Scholastic Australia)
PB RRP $14.99
ISBN 978-1-74283-192-3
Reviewed by Jenny Heslop

 13 books. 13 nightmares. 1 destiny.

In the previous book of this series, Sam encountered a Dreamer who already had knowledge of the dreaming world. Arianna needed no convincing and was ready and willing to join Sam in the race to find the pieces to construct Da Vinci's machine. The ninth Dreamer also, is ready to jump into the action but Issey, a superstar of the Japanese gaming world, is just a bit too excited about the danger – more than Sam is comfortable with.

Along with Tobias, these two boys are having problems staying one step ahead of Stella. Then Solarias enters the picture and the fear of Stella is pushed to the background. Solarias relentlessly pursues the boys through Tokyo, then the cellars of abandoned buildings on an eerie and empty ghost island. Here, the bravery and abilities of Sam and Issey are put to the test.
Back at the Academy the remaining Dreamers are getting serious about training for the upcoming Dreamscape tournament. It is looking more likely that a final showdown will take place in this realm rather than the physical one. Issey's experience as a gamer may become vital. As may the ability to control and change what is happening in their dreams.
After being taken captive by Matrix, Alex and Shiva are forced to try to escape and this nail biting situation is interspersed with Sam and Issey's desperate flight from Solaris with the gear on the ghost island.
5 has one of the scariest, nerve wracking chases yet and the ending is one I didn't see coming. Sam is left with an impossible choice...
This serialised story is released at the rate of one book a month. It started at 13 and is counting backwards to the conclusion in 1. It is a series which needs to be read in order, start at 13, but be warned, it's addictive! It will be devoured by boys and girls from upper primary to lower secondary ages.
Also check out, an on-line companion page with VIP Access. There are 13 prizes to win with each book release, e-newsletters, access code breakers and many more features.

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