
Thursday, 2 July 2015

Peas in a Pod

Peas in a Pod by Tania McCartney, illustrated by Tina Snerling (EK Books)
HC RRP $24.99
ISBN 9781921966712

Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

Being the same can be boring. Quintuplets Pippa, Pia, Poppy, Polly and Peg are happy to be the same. In fact, mum and dad prefer it that way for life has order; they have control and their girls were predictable. Then everything changes. Order walks out the door and chaos moves in.

The girls look the same on the outside, but what about who they are inside? They have different tastes, personalities, and ways of expressing themselves through actions, dress, and individual choices. In fact, there is an endless string of differences that makes each girl who she is. It is these differences that impel them to become who they are -- with fascinating outcomes.

This is an entertaining story about being able to express your individuality, and the fun and freedom that change brings with it. It is a celebration of being different.

Beautifully complemented by Tina Snerling’s humorous translation of the text, this gorgeous story is a thought-provoker and can certainly be used as a point of discussion about personal identity and how children define themselves. With its brilliant pink and green covers and equally attractive end pages, it’s ideal for the 3-7 age groups.

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