
Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made

The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made written and illustrated by Fiona Katauskas (Harper Collins) HBK RRP $19.99                                                                                                           ISBN 9780733333880

Reviewed by Sharon McGuinness

Prompted by her young son’s questions about the origin of babies, Fiona Katauskas began searching for a recent title. Surprised that she could only find the 1973 classic by Peter Mayle Where Did I Come From?(the same book her own mother shared with her), she decided to write her own.

The Mayle titles are classics for their humorous approach, serving to put parents at ease when dealing with those tricky questions that all kids ask. Yet it was published more than 40 years ago and scientific developments have meant that there are now more answers to that simple question of how babies are made.

In Katauskas’ book, IVF and sperm donation are treated with the normality both deserve, which will ensure that children view these as simply another way that babies are made. Katauskas’ skills as both a cartoonist and illustrator allows humour to be again at the forefront, enabling laughter as parents share the book with their child.

Common sense, facts, the delightful humour and illustrations will enable this book to be universally accessible and a joy to be shared.
A must buy for all parents.

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