
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Granny's place

Granny's place by Allison Paterson, illustrated by Shane McGarth (Big Sky Publishing) HB RRP $24.99 PB RRP $14.99
ISBN: HB 978-1-925275-62-9
           PB 978-1-925275-63-6

Reviewed by Anita Howard

Through the voice of a little girl the reader experiences what can be missed and gained when big changes happen. The girl loves visiting her Granny and Pa. She describes what is special about where they live; the farm, the mud brick house that pa made, sleeping in high metal beds, the animals like ducks and games pa had kept from his childhood.

Then Pa died and Granny had to leave the farm. Her new home is very different. 'But there was one thing that was still the same -- Granny.’

The book provides a gentle reflection about dealing with change and loss. There are also smaller changes that reflect changes in history, technology and materials used; these are seen between the farm home and Granny’s new home, such as the large wooden kitchen table replaced with a smaller mental legged table.

Delightful illustrations create energy and mood, and inform us visually of what and how things have been changed from one place and time to the other.

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