
Monday 25 February 2019

Happy Girl Lucky: The Valentines series

Happy Girl Lucky: The Valentines series by Holly Smale (Harper Collins) PB RRP $16.99  ISBN 9780008254148  
Reviewed by Claire Stuckey

Hope is fifteen and the youngest of the Valentine family, a super rich, celebrity family. Mum is one of a long line of famous acting women and dad a Hollywood producer. Living in a rather isolated bubble with older siblings Max, Faith and Mercy, Hope lives her life through a series of screen play moments.

Her imaginary classmates inhabit her film world while her tutor attempts to home school. Escaping classes and some difficult family moments Hope meets a young American tourist, shares a week of joy in London ensuing a major romantic turning point in her life. When he returns to the US Hope decides it is time to make a surprise visit to her Dad and see Jamie again.  Hope learns more than she expects about life, love and family in her Hollywood journey. This is the first of a new series by Holly Smale on the life and loves of the Valentines.

A bright novel full of designer brands and celebrity language, this coming of age story did highlight a few themes relevant to teenagers especially first love and truthfulness.  Ages 14-18 years.

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