
Saturday 23 February 2019

The dog that saved the world

The dog that Saved the World by Ross Welford (Harper Collins) PB RRP   $14.99 ISBN 9780008256975

Reviewed by Claire Stuckey

Georgie and her friend Ramzy chill out together but one day they meet a rather interesting old lady who invites them to her crazy, scientific, virtual reality dome!  As usual, Georgie is accompanied by Mr Mash her "mishmash" rescue dog. Georgie and Ramzy spend more time with Dr Pretorius trialling further uses of her virtual reality worlds they soon learn the highlights and problems of the technology. Meanwhile, as a volunteer of the St Wolf's dig rescue, Georgie unwittingly breaks hygiene regulations and initiates the spread of a deadly disease not only putting every dog in the country at risk, but outbreaks then spread worldwide.

There are car chases, night time break-ins via poo chutes, hospital break outs, giant scorpions and heart-breaking scenes of families without their beloved pets but MR Mash and his doggy DNA provide a cure in the future. The question is can they wait that long? This is a great book with some very real concepts including friendship, poverty and bravery embedded.

Mix in computer technology, action and global health issues and the author has achieved a title that will be popular with middle school readers. I now want to go and read her other book, The 1,000-year-old boy.  This book is for ages 10+ years.

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