Thursday, 4 July 2019

Letters to Leonard; The Truth Changes

Letters to Leonard; The Truth Changes, a YA novel by Dee White, was recently republished in Australia and released for the first time in the US and UK almost 10 years exactly from its debut in Australia). There have been some changes to the manuscript’s ending.

When Matt Hudson turns fifteen, he receives a birthday card from the mother he thought was dead. Why has his father lied to him for the last ten years? Matt doesn’t know who or what to believe. He sets out to find his mother, and the reasons behind her abandonment soon become clear.

Assigned a letter-writing project at school, Matt writes to his idol – Leonardo da Vinci. This simple act helps him work through his feelings of betrayal and understand how neglected mental illness can tear a family apart.

Dee White is the author of more than 20 books for children and young adults across all genres. She will do just about anything (including ride a camel, jump out of a plane and walk through a Paris sewer) to explore a story.

For more information, go to

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