
Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Buzz Words Prize 2019 Longlist

The following stories have been long-listed by Dianne Bates and Bill Condon and sent to judge Sue Whiting who has the task of creating a short-list of ten to be sent to finalist judge, Dyan Blacklock.  

            The Script, Fionna Cosgrove
            A Lethal Intrusion, Susan Hancy

            My Secret Friend, Joanne Eather
            Sticks and Stones, Rebecca Timmis
            Sparklefeast, Neil Glaser
            Oh! Nathan, Paul Dellit
            And the rest is history, Geraldine Borella
            Beyond the Garden Gate, Linda Carter
            Carly and Griselda, Geraldine Borella
            Down the Drain, Anne Donnelly
            Fifteen Minutes of Fame, Susan Hancy
            Goldie, Daniel Whitehead
            The Apprentice Confectioner of Wonderland, Melanie Zolenas-Kennedy
            The Pompous Princess & The Fortunate Frog, Jo Mularczyk
            To Catch a Tuna, Annemarie Scott
            Trevor, Jennie Tasker
            The Message, Lucinda Cotter
            Joe Detective, Angela Fraser
            The Secret Keeper, Rebecca Timmis
            What Remains, Eunice Tan

The shortlist will be announced in our 15 November issue and the winner, runner-up and Highly Commended in our 15 December issue. 

You will also find the results on this website.

The Buzz Words Short Story Prize will open again in 2020.