
Friday, 18 October 2019

You Can Change the World

You Can Change the World by Lucy Bell, (Pantera Press), 2019, Hb, RRP  $29.99 ISBN: 9781925700527 (hardcover) ISBN 9781925700725 (ebook)

Reviewed by Pauline Hosking

In a world where many kids are becoming overwhelmed by fear of the future, here’s a practical guide to help them feel they can make a difference. You Can Change the World is attractively produced and comprehensively researched. It is crammed with ways to aid the planet, offering alternatives to our throw-away society. Chapters cover: Plastic, Ethical and Environmentally Friendly Clothing, Waste, Food, Energy, Electricity and Water, Animal Activism. A section on Gardening and the Outdoors features practical advice on how to make compost and attract butterflies and bees.

Each chapter includes a real-life story about a Changemaker, someone who has seen a problem and taken steps to fix it. They are all children, many Australians, aged from seven years up, whose stories rightly deserve to be celebrated. Twelve year old Molly Steer has campaigned to stop her Queensland government using single-use plastic straws. Ten year old Fin Vicars from New South Wales is passionate about renewable energy and science. Greta Thunberg is not mentioned. Perhaps she came to prominence while this book was in production.

The last section, titled 'An Act of Kindness', is a call for young readers to take positive action to help someone and the planet. Lucy Bell writes ‘The ideas in this book are just the beginning of your journey to help the world and save our planet. It’s now up to you.’

What a pity more world leaders hadn’t read something like this when they were growing up.

The final pages include social media contacts for the Changemakers and helpful organisations, stores and charities.

Highly recommended for school, library and home bookshelves.

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