
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Buzz Words Short Story Prize Shortlist 2019

The following stories have been shortlisted by Dianne Bates and Bill Condon and sent to finalist judge Dyan Blacklock.  

The Script, Fionna Cosgrove 
My Secret Friend, Joanne Eather 
Sticks and Stones, Rebecca Timmis 
Carly and Griselda, Geraldine Borella 
Fifteen Minutes of Fame, Susan Hancy 
The Pompous Princess & The Fortunate Frog, Jo Mularczyk 
To Catch a Tuna, Annemarie Scott 
Trevor, Jennie Tasker 
Joe Detective, Angela Fraser 
What Remains, Eunice Tan

The winner, runner-up and Highly Commended in our 15 December issue. 

You will also find the results on this website.

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