
Monday, 3 August 2020

The Verindon Alliance

The Verindon Alliance by Lynne Stringer (Rhiza Edge) PB RRP $19.99 ISBN: 9781925563993

Reviewed by Dannielle Viera

For centuries, the Vendel and the Verindal have fought for supremacy on their shared planet, Verindon. Although they are similar species, the Vendel have a unique ability to transform into beings with enhanced awareness, speed and accuracy, while the Verindal are masters of cutting-edge technology. When a spate of surprise attacks decimates people on both sides, each race is quick to blame the other.

Only Vashta, fifth princess of the Vendel, and Brandonin, heir to the Verindal throne, see the truth: a devastating enemy from beyond the stars seeks to destroy them all. Can the two royals overcome a history plagued by hostility to join forces and defeat the Arctals, bringing lasting peace to their planet in the process?

Teenage sci-fi lovers will enjoy The Verindon Alliance, as Lynne Stringer takes them to a beautiful new world with a rainbow sky and drops them right in the middle of a breathtaking battle zone. From the acute mental conflicts, as each Verindonian race struggles to trust the other, to the powerful physical skirmishes between the aliens and the planet’s citizens – not to mention the wrestling of emotions, as Vashta and Brandonin come to terms with their evolving feelings for each other – Lynne keeps her readers on the edge of their seat, waiting for the next thrilling twist in the tale.

Lynne makes excellent use of language in her world building, with fresh terms for time periods, animals and technology adding to the unearthly feel. Readers may be a little confused in the early chapters of the book by the similarity between the words ‘Vendel’, ‘Verindal’ and ‘Verindon’, but this difficulty eases as the story unfolds and it becomes clear that the chapters alternate between Vashta’s point of view and that of Brandonin.

With clever dialogue, credible character growth and cracking action sequences, The Verindon Alliance is a must-read for YA devotees. Lynne completes the story arc with a blissful bonding ceremony between Vashta and Brandonin, but intriguingly leaves the door open for a sequel.

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