
Wednesday, 21 July 2021

MerTales: The Best Friend Promise

MerTales: The Best Friend Promise (Book 1), by Rebecca Timmis (Allen & Unwin) PB RRP $14.99 ISBN 9781760526528

Reviewed by Kylie Buckley

It’s mermaid Pearl’s ninth birthday and she doesn’t want to be late for merschool, so she decides to take a shortcut via a forbidden route. After dodging a reef shark, and subsequently remembering why the path is off-limits, a chance encounter with a shooting star leaves her tail momentarily shimmering and glowing. Pearl is left spellbound and can’t wait to share the news with her two besties, Coral and Shell.

At school, during a class lesson analysing squidpups, Pearl discovers that she now has the magical ability to talk to sea animals. Whenever she tries to discreetly discuss this new phenomenon with her friends, she finds Sandy (the class ‘outsider’) always lurking just around the corner. A misunderstanding causes Pearl to act in a way she isn’t proud of and it has unintended consequences.

MerTales: The Best Friend Promise is a junior fiction book about four mermaid friends and their adventures. It includes an abundance of two-colour illustrations, short chapters, a fast-paced storyline and plenty of humorous puns. This book is the first in an upcoming four-part series and is recommended for readers aged 6 years and older.

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