Friday, 20 August 2021

Gods and Monsters, Serpent & Dove, #3

Gods and Monsters, Serpent & Dove, #3 by Shelby Mahurin, Harper Collins, ISBN 9780063096332

Reviewed by Claire Stuckey

We meet the fugitives starving and exhausted struggling to continue their journey in this final book of the trilogy. Finding shelter in a derelict church they choose to trust Father Achille who offers them food and a place for them to hide. Who should they trust? All the group, including Lou, will face more terrible situations as they work to destroy her mother Morgane and her followers.

Reid finds it difficult to respond to Lou. His feelings are correct as we learn that her body has been infiltrated and her soul is losing the battle to retain memory. When Célie suddenly arrives, she brings another dynamic to the group. Coco and Beau are forced to acknowledge their passion for each other during one of the many challenges the group are forced to undertake during their difficult journey. All the group struggle with their memories of the cruel treatment they have endured and that of their loved ones. Driven by revenge, and survival, they continue to support each other emotionally and physically using every ounce of strength, wit, and magic power they can muster putting themselves at risk to achieve the final goal.

This epic fantasy novel with strong female characters is narrated by the principal characters in alternate chapters. There are many twists and turns as characters develop and change with magic and mayhem provided in every chapter as they journey to defeat the cruel Morgane. Driven by love, hope and fear the characters face monumental challenges.

There are very detailed settings and descriptions of everything including clothes to gruesome death scenes. At 612 pages this is not an easy or quick read. You do need to read the previous two books to get to know the characters, their past, and their childhood before you can relate to them and their objectives. This novel is entertaining and would be recommended for those who enjoy this popular genre. For ages 15 years plus.

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