Tuesday 11 July 2023

Pearly and Pig and the Lost City of Mu Suvan

Pearly and Pig and the Lost City of Mu Suvan by Sue Whiting (Walker Books) PB RRP $15.99 ISBN: 9781760655457

Reviewed by Kellie Nissen

What child doesn’t want to be an Adventurologist? The job allows you travel the world, see nature at its best and help, little by little, to make a difference and save our planet.

Pearly Woe certainly wants that life. She wants to follow in the footsteps of her Grandpa Gordon, her mum Angel and her dad Ricky. And she wants to achieve it all with her trusty and loyal companion, Pig, by her side. Pearly is very well equipped for the role, with her quirky ability to understand and speak animal tongue – a skill nobody else in her family possesses.

The thing is – Pearly is a worrier. The other thing is that mishaps tend to follow her wherever she goes. The two problems don’t exactly lend themselves to becoming a fully-fledged member of Adventurologists’ Guild any time soon.

Pearly and Pig and the Lost City of Mu Suvan is the second book in Sue Whiting’s Pearly and Pig series. In the first book (Pearly and Pig and the Great Hairy Beast), Pearly survives her trip to Antarctica as a stowaway on an icebreaker and manages to find both her parents and Pig (who was pig-napped). This time, Pearly finds herself with Pig and her family on the Mekong River, heading for Anachak and ready to help her parents and grandfather find the lost city of Mu Suvan.

The Woes soon realise there is more missing that just the city – the King and his entire kingdom are gone too, with only the King’s brother and a few of his followers left behind, along with a host of animals, particularly monkeys. There is a scary rumbling afoot as well, and the residents are convinced is has to do with the Divine Sow, the current one of which just happens to be Pig’s mother.

Feeling very unwelcome and foiled at every attempt to assist, Pig is locked away and Pearly’s parents disappear when they go in search of the lost city. Then, Pearly herself ends up lost in the jungle.

How will she get out of this? Will the monkeys help her, or are they on the side of the King’s brother and his minions? And, does that lost city even exist?  

Sue Whiting is the author of a wide range of children’s literature, from picture books through to young adult, with stories that never fail to inspire. Pearly and Pig and the Lost City of Mu Suvan does not disappoint and fits beautifully into the junior fiction genre, appealing to readers aged 8 and over who love adventure.


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