Wednesday 31 July 2024

100 School Days

100 School Days by Debra Frenkel & Laura Stitzel (Affirm Press) PB HB RRP $22.99 9781922930385

Reviewed by Karen Hendriks

Debra Frenkel writes for children and copywrites for TV commercials, billboards, and the labels of shampoo bottles. This is her fourth picture book.

Laura Stitzel is an author, illustrator, and animator from Melbourne. She has illustrated books for Penguin Random House, Scholastic, Hinkler Books and Affirm Press. Her art has appeared in many children’s television series over the past decade.

Starting school brings many firsts that all add up, until before you know it you’ve finished the first 100 days of school. And once you’ve reached that milestone, you know you can reach absolutely anything. 

Debra Frenkel has captured the magic of many first moments that happen when a child starts school that lead up to the milestone of 100 days at school. The simple text uses few words yet captures those big emotions oh so well. Inside the words the wonders of childhood shine. The next day we go roaming behind a patch of weeds. We find a lizard, find a shoe! Numbers are included in the text which adds in another layer of meaning. Day 23, it rains and rains. Those wondrous firsts shine and Frenkel also shows that we are all good at different things. Sam is good at running around, never even stopping. Frenkel even touches upon when a child learns to read their very first word. Day 66, at reading time, I figure out a word! I try the sounds out one by one…not BAD, not BID, it’s BIRD! Even skip-counting is mentioned. The voice is childlike and spot on. The text has really nailed those first moments at school and the end message that a child can do anything is perfect.

Laura Stitzel’s illustrations have really captured the innocence and wonder of childhood. The cover has a border that shows school things like fruit, sandwiches, shoes, hats animals, painting, and a backpack. The title is colourful, and the ten children are all united yet unique celebrating their 100th day of school. The endpapers on a blue background have little hands drawing around the numbers 100. The facial expressions and body movements of the young children are spot on. Stitzel uses space well and I love how as the child’s school world becomes bigger so do the children and their actions. The excitement and joy of being a big school kid shines in the illustrations.

100 School Days is a picture book that will resonate with a young child starting school and teachers who celebrate this wonderful milestone with their classes. This book is suitable for children aged 3 to 7 years.

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