Wednesday 4 September 2024

Penny Draws a Secret Adventure

Penny Draws a Secret Adventure by Sara Shepard (Text Publishing) PB RRP $16.99 ISBN: 9781922790569

Reviewed by Kellie Nissen

In this third instalment of the Penny Draws series, we see Penny and her somewhat quirky friends embark on a treasure hunt after Penny discovers an old map in her attic.

Amidst all the usual Year 5 ups and downs, including friendship struggles and a good measure of self-doubt, the friends unravel cryptic clues that take them all over town in search of the promised treasure. Of course, there is the obligatory obstacle, this time in the form of ‘someone’ who seems to be just a step ahead of them each time. Yet, they persist and along the way, they each discover hidden talents and skills – all except Penny who wonders if there is anything at all special about her.

Author Sara Shepard provides a refreshing departure from the ‘diary’ genre with the story being told through a series of letters written by Penny to her dog, Cosmo. Plus, we also have extra details and humourous asides being told through the simple black and white cartoons that pepper each chapter.

With any series such as this one – where each book can stand alone – it is important to acknowledge that readers may not have read previous books and, in doing so, provide an orientation to the regular characters at the very least. Unfortunately, this does not happen in Penny Draws a Secret Adventure, and it can take some time to gain an understanding of who is who and what is happening.

Nevertheless, once it all becomes clear – within the first couple of chapters – the story starts to unfold, and readers are taken along on an adventure as they try to solve clues and figure out what is going to happen next.

Underneath the fun and adventure, however, there is a very serious issue being explored in personal identity. The self-doubt and lack of confidence, along with the need to establish yourself as an individual, is a pivotal issue within the readership targeted by the Penny Draws series. Sara Shepard raises awareness and imparts a gentle message about the importance of identity in a low-key yet impactful way.

Penny Draws a Secret Adventure is the perfect read for children aged 8–12 years and will be particularly appealing to girls who may not see themselves in similar books that have male protagonists.

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